Allstate Wireless



Campus Communications Infrastructure

Critical Communications for Education

Schools and universities across the county rely on Allstate Wireless  for dependable Critical Communications that enable efficient operations and improved student safety.

Two-Way Radios Built for Educators

Education professionals demand high-quality radios that are reliable and cost-effective. Hytera two-way radios are built for educators, administrators and security professionals with features that enable efficient and cost-effective communications.

Network Infrastructure for Education

Schools and universities across the county rely on Allstate Wireless for reliable Infracstructures that enable efficient operations and improved student safety.

Allstate  is the leader in reliable and cost-effective voice communications for education professionals. Our radios are used by administrators, teachers, security, maintenance, and bus drivers at hundreds of K-12 Schools and Universities.

Campus Communications Infrastructure

Guaranteed Campus or District Wide Coverage

School campuses can consist of a few buildings or they can be the size of a small town with dozens of buildings, sports arenas, and student housing. K-12 school districts require coverage for each school, and wide-area coverage for student transportation.
Campus Communications Infrastructure
Campus Communications Infrastructure

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